The International EPD System

Welcome to the International EPD System. Established in 1997 as the first and nowadays leading EPD Programme in the world.
Proud inventors of the EPD and the PCR!

A short introduction to EPDs

EPDs signal a manufacturer's commitment to measuring and reducing the environmental impact of its products and services and report these impacts in a hyper-transparent way. With an EPD, manufacturers report comparable, objective and third-party verified data that show the good, the bad and the evil about the environmental performance of their products and services.

When developing an EPD, the environmental performance of the product shall be described from a life cycle perspective by carrying out a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the product. The results of the LCA study and other information mandated by the reference PCR and General Programme Instructions shall be compiled in the EPD reporting format. The EPD shall then be verified by an approved independent verifier before being registered and published at the International EPD System via our EPD Portal.

What is an EPD and how is it made?

NOW wondering about YOUR own EPDs and how to get one?

Sign-up to our EPD Portal (free of charge) to receive in-depth information and support on how to get to EPDs for your organization or read more in our sections "About EPDs.

Go to EPD Portal

Latest News


New Onboarding Course for Individual Verifiers in IES

The Secretariat of EPD International has launched a structured onboarding course for the newly approved individual verifiers within the International EPD System (IES). This initiative aims to provide practical guidance to ensure high-quality Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) through a rigorous verification process.


Welcome Newly Approved Individual Verifiers to the IES

The Secretariat of EPD International would like to welcome 28 new individual verifiers to the International EPD System. They will provide their expertise as third-party verifiers on EPDs globally across different industries for EPD owners.


Open Call for Industry Experts: Join the International Advisory Board of IES

The Secretariat of EPD International is seeking 4-5 industry experts to join the International Advisory Board (IAB) of the International EPD System. This role offers a unique opportunity to collaboratively advance transparency in environmental data by identifying industry insights and opportunities.

News archive

EPDs are SDG compatible!

Lifecycle methodology and the EPD can support organizations to understand, improve and communicate the environmental impact of their products and services.

Do you want to report your carbon emissions according to scope 3 Greenhouse Protocol (products) as part of your Science Based Targets (SBT) or, in more general terms, your sustainability product strategy/ambitions connected to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals?

An EPD may be exactly what you need!
For more information on ways to use EPDs, please visit this page.

Trending - Check it out!

World's SPD!

Besides ENVIRONMENT we now also speak SOCIAL!

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New COPY function for the EPD Portal is out!

The copy function allows organisations to handle editing and publication of up to 50 EPDs at the same time!

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Want to become an approved EPD verifier?

As an approved EPD verifier you independently verify EPDs before they are registered and published with The International EPD System.

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Latest published EPDs

Go to EPD Library

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