215 Million Years Ago In A Galaxy Not So Far Away

215 Million Years Ago... In A Galaxy Not So Far Away...

November 05, 2018
The 1,000 year old Oak tree at Wickwar Quarry created a lot of discussion... but it’s not the oldest discovery on this CEMEX site!

215 million years ago a celestial visitor smashed into the earth in what is now Canada.

The impact of the asteroid, that would have been 5 km in size, created a shockwave 40 million times greater than the Hiroshima blast!

The shockwave created molten rock and dust clouds that were thrown up into the atmosphere. This effect would have lasted for years and the dust deposited a thin layer of glass beads and shattered minerals over the earth…. and evidence of the fallout was discovered in Wickwar and Churchwood Quarry.

Frank Hogg and the team recently hosted a visit from Dr John Spray, Director – Planetary and Space Science Centre, Canada, to view and sample the Bristol Impact Layer, as it’s known. This layer is a special find indeed!

To find out more go to: https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manicouagan_crater