CEMEX continues to be minority shareholder in Semen Gresik; put option likely to expire
publishDate1 Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:46:00 +0000
publishDate2 Dec 13, 2001 6:46:00 PM
publishDate3 December 13, 2001
December 13, 2001
CEMEX, S.A de C.V. (NYSE:CX) informed today that in light of the Government of Indonesia's decision to postpone the privatization of PT Semen Gresik until next year, CEMEX believes there is a very strong likelihood that the government will not exercise the put option that expires today.
Such option grants the Government of Indonesia the right to sell to CEMEX up to its 51% stake in Semen Gresik.
CEMEX continues to hold a 25.5% equity participation in Semen Gresik under an agreement signed with the Government of Indonesia, entered into in 1998 and that continues to be in effect.
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Media Relations Daniel Pérez Whitaker (528) 152 2747 daniel_pw@cemex.com |
Investor Relations Abraham Rodríguez (528) 328 3631 arodriguez@cemex.com |
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