Callander Nursery kids get on their bikes!

The children of Callander Nursery can get on their bikes and learn how to cycle thanks to a donation of four balance bikes by the CEMEX UK Foundation, a charitable trust.
Callander Nursery, near Loch Lomond in Scotland, has 62 children aged 2-5 years on their role and is attached to Callander Primary School. Marina Brunello, Senior Early Childhood Educator, Callander Nursery, comments:
“Thanks to this donation we will be able to deliver the ‘Play on Pedals’ program which will help the children to develop cycle skills from a young age.
"Taking part in the program will give them the best chance of staying safe on the roads. Having such good resources ensures generations of Callander Nursery children will benefit for years to come.
"A big thank you to CEMEX UK from the children, parents and staff”.