It’s always tempting to cross a road the quickest and easiest way, but this is not always the safest way. Today’s roads are busy and as a pedestrian you are the most vulnerable road user. Taking time to ‘look and listen before you step out’ could save your life. Don’t chance it...
In 2016, 25% of all fatalities on our roads were pedestrians, whilst in London it was a shocking 53%. Many of these people could still be alive if they had been thinking more about their own safety.
How often do we ‘chance it’? Remember these key points:
- Always use a crossing if you can. It might mean walking a bit further. Pedestrians are 3 times more likely to be killed when they don’t use a crossing.
- Look and listen for traffic and don’t be distracted, put your phone away, stop chatting to friends, hold on to children and most important, look at the road and check the traffic before crossing.
- Don’t cross in front of a lorry, bus or large vehicle. Always assume they haven’t seen you and wait for them to come past. If you have to cross in front of a large vehicle try and catch the driver’s eye so you know he or she has seen you.
- When in doubt, wait. Vehicles are going faster than you think and always assume the driver hasn’t seen you. Be patient.
- Be seen. Help other road users to see you. Wear or carry something light, coloured or bright. When it is dark use a torch if it is needed (most mobile phones have them) or cross by a street light if you can.
- Keep looking and listening. As you cross keep looking out for traffic in case there is something you didn’t see, especially cyclists, electric cars or trams, as they can be very quiet.
Just because you are an adult it it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t think and remind yourself about road safety. ALWAYS STOP, LOOK and LISTEN before crossing a road.
If you have children, teach them about road safety and how to cross roads safely. Here’s a reminder of some of the main safety points:
1. First find the safest place to cross
- Use crossings, subways, islands and footbridges.
- Choose a place where you can see clearly in all directions and where drivers and cyclists can see you.
- Try to avoid crossing between parked cars and on sharp bends.
2. Stop! just before you get to the kerb and don’t get too close to the traffic.
3. Look all around for traffic and listen, sometimes you can hear traffic before you can see a vehicle. Remember, look right, look left and look right again. Cross if safe.
4. If traffic is coming, let it pass and do not cross until there is a safe gap.
5. When it is safe, go straight across the road – and keep looking and listening for traffic. Do not run or cross diagonally.
Crossing between parked vehicles>
- Try not to cross between parked vehicles and queuing traffic, but if there is nowhere else to cross:
- Choose somewhere where there is plenty of space between the vehicles and nothing stopping you from walking directly onto the pavement at the other side.
- Check that the vehicles are not about to move off... Listen for the engine.
- Walk to the outside edge of the parked vehicles and stop. From here you should be able to see oncoming traffic so you can decide when to cross and be seen.
Crossing one-way streets
Check you know the direction of the traffic and only cross when the whole road is clear.
Crossing where there is an island in the road
Treat the road as separate crossings. Go across the first half of the road, stop and check for traffic in the second half.
Look after young children
ALWAYS hold young children’s hands firmly when crossing a road and take extra care if you have a buggy and will be pushing it in front of you.
Always use pavements or footpaths
ALWAYS use pavements or footpaths if provided. If not always walk on the side of the road to face the oncoming traffic.
Don’t ignore a crossing
ALWAYS use a pedestrian crossing where one is available even if you are in a rush. If you cause a crash it’s your responsibility and you or someone else could be seriously injured because of your carelessness.
When using any type of crossing you should:
- ALWAYS check that the traffic has stopped before you start to cross.
- ALWAYS cross between the studs or over the Zebra markings.
- DO NOT cross at the side of the crossing or on the zigzag lines
Listen as well as look
Don’t use your mobile, take out earplugs and take off headphones so you have a better chance of hearing traffic. Keep alert and look around you, not down at your phone.
Remember cyclists, electric cars and trams can travel quietly 
Please Don't Chance It! Look out before you step out
CEMEX UK is committed to making our roads safer for everyone. We work closely with organizations such as the London Metropolitan Police, road safety charities such as RoadPeace and Brake and local authorities, to help promote safe driving, cycling and walking. Please take the time to read this leaflet and put it into practice. If you can, pass it on to someone else to read after you have finished with it.
Talk to your friends and family about road safety and if you see someone else about to step out in front of traffic, please ‘step in’ and stop them – it might save their life.
Download a free pdf of this leaflet to share with friends. We also have a safety poster to print and put up at work or in a communal area such as a community centre, village or church hall, nursery, school or old peoples centre.
Road Safety and Pedestrians
- Government’s Think campaign:
For children and young people:
- walk-about-talk-about
The advice in this booklet is what CEMEX believes is best practice to maximise the safety of pedestrians. However, this does not constitute official guidance, for this you should refer to the Highway Code or other Government sources.