CEMEX ready-mix concrete satisfies demanding requirements of water distillation facility in Israel

CEMEX ready-mix concrete satisfies demanding requirements of water distillation facility in Israel

June 01, 2012
CEMEX is supplying the specialty self-compacting concrete required to meet the complex needs of the water distillation plant at Palmachin, Israel. For Israel, an arid country with desert covering more than half of its land, water distillation offers a solution to the water shortage by producing high-quality water from a limitless resource—the sea. Since the filtering process to purify incoming seawater produces high concentrations of corrosive salts, the Palmachin distillation plant required a highly sealed concrete to withstand aggressive conditions of erosion, provide maximum levels of durability, and satisfy steep service demands.

The solution CEMEX provided came from its unique BETONAL family of self-compacting concretes, which combine innovative components of crystallized admixtures with self-healing properties over their entire lifetime. Specifically, a considerable amount of the concrete supplied was ECO-BETONAL, a state-of-the-art product developed by the company’s Global Center for Technology and Innovation in Switzerland.

To date, most of the work on the Palmachin project has already been completed to the full satisfaction of all the parties involved—offering a much-needed resource in response to Israel’s water needs.

CEMEX continually works to develop solutions to customers’ increasingly complex challenges based on the thorough knowledge and application of concrete technology. Leveraging years of experience, a worldwide pool of knowledge, and cutting-edge expertise, CEMEX constantly designs and develops special concrete products that fulfil customers’ demanding performance requirements.