CEMEX Rocks at Extractive Industry Conference
Rocks are a major constituent of many of the building materials produced by CEMEX, and the location of suitable rocks in a form that can be exploited is down to geology.
The Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conferences, held every two years, are a unique scientific and technical shop window for the non-petroleum extractive industry. They are an opportunity for earth scientists associated with the extractive minerals sector to keep abreast of current and future trends, innovation and best practice.
The last such conference was held in September this year which marks the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan tip disaster in South Wales. The keynote lecture examined the factors leading up to this catastrophe and the implications for the UK extractive sector.
Other lectures covered health and safety, geotechnical, hydrogeological, mineral exploration and ecological aspects of the quarrying industry.
Together with their consultants Wardell Armstrong, CEMEX presented results of their 10 year programme of monitoring of springs in a nature reserve called Monk’s Dale, located 2km to the south of Dove Holes Quarry.
In order to operate effectively the Quarry needs to be dewatered with potential impacts on water features and groundwater dependent ecosystems. Monk’s Dale Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is a spring-supported fen habitat of national and European importance.
The conclusion from the monitoring is that the fen habitat is dependent on groundwater flowing into the valley from a higher level associated with changes in geology and that it lies beyond the influence of operations at the Quarry.
Further information on the EIG conferences can be found at http://www.eigconferences.com or contact Paul Jennings, Senior Geologist in CEMEX’s National Reserves Department, who is on the EIG Committee.