Central Readymix Team Lend-A-Hand at RSPB HQ
On Tuesday 22 November Sally Tokens, Sales Representative Cambridgeshire, rallied up the troops from Production, Technical and Operations departments for a Lend-A-Hand day at the RSPB Headquarters in Sandy, Bedfordshire.
It was a very full and exhausting day as they were given a wooded area to chop down Pine trees. The RSPB are trying to replant some of their heathland with Heather.
The Heather is key to encouraging birds like the Woodlark and Nightjar who both build their nests amongst the Heather. The Nightjar is often found in recently felled Conifer plantations and the RSPB have had some very rare recent sightings.
Well done to the team of willing volunteers (included in the picture are from left to right, Andy Carter, Sally Tokens, Ross McGilley, Mark Smith and Adam Carty). Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day!