Farewell to the Bee Eaters at East Leake as BBC Autumnwatch visits
The mess room at East Leake quarry was busier than normal at lunchtime today when the site hosted the film crew including Michaela Strachan from BBC's Autumnwatch to film the rare bee eaters on the site for the October programmes.
The crews arrived early but the birds remained out of site until lunchtime, probably due to the windy and damp conditions. However they did arrive early afternoon and they captured some good shots and interviews with the RSPB.
Sadly the next day it was noticed that the birds had stopped visiting their nests, which meant the very rare appearance of bee eater chicks in the UK was not to be, and the parents departed for their warmer habitats in southern Europe.
Thanks to Scott, Alan and the team on site for keeping everyone safe today and for hosting the crews.