Keith Iley was our Eco Driver in November-December 2016
January 16, 2017
Congratulations to Divet Hill driver, Keith Iley, who was the winner of a Volvo jacket for his excellent Isotrak telematics performance during November and December.
Congratulations to Divet Hill driver, Keith Iley, who was the winner of a Volvo jacket for his excellent Isotrak telematics performance during November and December.
New technology on our vehicles allows analysis of driving techniques and a number of benefits can be gained by adapting driving styles.
These include better MPG, reduced engine wear, lower driver fatigue levels, accident reduction and lower harmful emissions into the environment.
The competition was close with a number of drivers delivering excellent results. Keith is pictured receiving his jacket from Area 2 Logistics Manager, Ian Phoenix.
A big well done to all drivers and good luck with the current competition.