Lending a Hand with the Christmas Lunches
January 16, 2017
Members of the Bulk Cement Planning and Customer Service Teams spent their Lend-A-Hand in December helping with the Christmas lunches at the Age Concern Community Centre on Clifton Road in Rugby... Jane Barker, Stuart Woods, Jonathan Waller, Clair Brace, Matt Cooper, Carly Flitton, Lauren Prynne and Liam Moore Lent-A-Hand.
Members of the Bulk Cement Planning and Customer Service Teams spent their Lend-A-Hand in December helping with the Christmas lunches at the Age Concern Community Centre on Clifton Road in Rugby... Jane Barker, Stuart Woods, Jonathan Waller, Clair Brace, Matt Cooper, Carly Flitton, Lauren Prynne and Liam Moore Lent-A-Hand.
Logistics Planner, commented: “The Team got a huge amount out of the experience and made them all think of those who, if it was not for these important community hubs, could otherwise be alone and feel remote from society. Thank you to the Team at Age Concern for the opportunity to help out.”