CCTV System Projects Workforce at Washwood Heath

CEMEX Rail Products is the largest supplier of concrete sleepers and crossing bearers to the rail industry. It has over 20 years’ experience in manufacturing pre-stressed concrete sleepers and crossing bearers which are used in high speed, main-line railway track applications and railway lines. Its purpose built factory in Washwood Heath in the Midlands, situated at prime trackside site, incorporates the latest state-of-the-art production and quality control equipment and procedures. The site has been used by CEMEX for 26 years and employs 90 onsite staff.
Manufacturing large concrete sleepers and crossing bearers requires heavy machinery, with the product often moving around this busy site. Adhering to strict health and safety procedures at all times is understandably essential for the safety of everyone on site. Terry Gillooly, Washwood Heath Site Manager for CEMEX Rail Solutions, sees health and safety as the No.1 priority and an ongoing process of continuous improvement: “We are always looking for ways we can improve the site and keep staff working safely. I put forward the idea of a CCTV system as a means of maintaining site safety. We could also use it for security as we have our own rail sidings, but this was not the main reason. We discussed it and thought it was a good idea. “Stanley supplies our Time and Attendance equipment” explains Terry “and I mentioned the issues we were having with the CCTV company by chance and they offered their services, which was great. They did a very good job. The system is very professional.” STANLEY recommended a 16 camera IP HD CCTV system, capable of providing high definition observation. A range of external and internal cameras have been installed in strategic positions across the site with all images fed back for monitoring and recording onto a sophisticated network video recorder. The system runs over CEMEX’s existing IP network, providing considerable cost savings on cabling required for traditional CCTV systems, whilst maintaining quality. Due to the nature of the site, the entire CCTV system was installed out of hours over three weekends with STANLEY staff working to very strict health and safety criteria.
CEMEX is impressed with the finished CCTV system and the way in which the installation was carried out. “Over several visits to our site, Stanley’s team adhered to all Health and Safety procedures, including the use and operation of the site’s mobile elevated platform” states Terry. “The conduct of the team was excellent, and works were completed in a timely manner. We are very pleased with the CCTV system.” The installation has proven so successful that CEMEX has expanded the system by adding a further eight cameras.