Health & Safety Policy
This CEMEX UK Operations Policy expands on the Corporate Health and Safety Policy. In conjunction with Regional and local UK Standards, it is intended to ensure appropriate and effective health and safety arrangements are in place to safeguard our employees and anyone else affected by our operations. CEMEX is committed to providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work, along with effective information, instruction, training and supervision. In return it is expected that everyone will work together to eliminate injuries and ill health.
It is essential that each of us takes personal responsibility for health and safety, ensuring we don’t accept unsafe acts or conditions and take immediate action where we see unsafe practices. We believe that a sound health and safety culture is founded upon two principles: visible leadership and employee engagement. Managers at all levels must demonstrate visible health and safety leadership, ensuring that health and safety arrangements are clear, implemented and constantly reviewed. They will be held accountable for accomplishing health and safety goals, by clearly defining health and safety roles and responsibilities, by providing appropriate resources and by measuring, reviewing and continuously improving CEMEX health and safety performance.
There must be documented plans in place throughout the various levels of the business detailing health and safety targets, which are formally monitored, to ensure they deliver continuous improvement. The engagement of employees in our health and safety effort is fundamental and we will implement effective means of consultation and communication across the business. Through comprehensive training and development programmes we will ensure that employees have the necessary health and safety competency for the role they undertake within the business. In addition we will maintain close relationships with relevant statutory bodies and trade organisations to keep us at the forefront of industry practice.
To help structure our health and safety efforts we will ensure that the CEMEX Health and Safety Management System is implemented within the business and that effective health and safety controls are in place for all operations, commencing from the outset of any new venture. Together, we must ensure zero tolerance of unsafe work practices. Our aim is to eliminate workplace injuries and ill health and thereby fulfil our moral obligation to our employees, their families and anyone else affected by our operations.
Jesús González, President, UK Operations May 2011