Cemex Foundation

Find out more about the Cemex Foundation

The Cemex Foundation is also an important aspect of the company’s overall sustainability programme. This continuously evolving programme seeks to address the key elements of sustainability in all the company’s operations. Sustainability is concerned with ensuring that what we do today to meet the needs of the present does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This wide-ranging project embraces the activities of the Foundation in the way it seeks to engage with employees and other stakeholders in meeting these aims in their communities.

The activities of the Foundation embrace a number of key areas and includes our partnership with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and our collaboration with Groundwork UK, one of the country’s leading community charities.

Supporting employees is an important aspect of the Foundation’s approach and support for employees engaged in ‘volunteering’ programmes and matched funding to assist the efforts of those raising money for their communities and for recognised and appropriate charities is available.

In addition to these elements, support for community, charitable and environmental projects has also been available through the Rugby Group Benevolent Fund, an independent charity with close links to the company.