Improving Our Customer Phone Service
After listening to our customers’ opinions we are changing our 0845 numbers to 0345. Some customers have given us feedback about the cost of ringing CEMEX so we are changing to 0345. This lowers the cost to the customer and sometimes provides free calls if compatible with their mobile tariffs, and there is no cost change to CEMEX.
0845 is the common prefix in use for customer contact lines (CSC and Shipping offices). We have 81 of these 0845 lines along with 43 existing 0345 lines. All business lines are included (with the exception of the 0800 free phone number for Cement).
It’s relatively easy to change our on-line and system based information for quotes, contracts, tickets, Web based information (system based info. is currently underway) but more difficult to address is ‘in circulation’ printed material (brochures, leaflets etc). With regard to printed materials it’s worth noting that we have been reducing print runs in recent years so there is less of an issue with cupboards full of product literature. Therefore, as publications in circulation are updated we will refresh the phone numbers.
The change took place on 1st September 2017. We appreciate that we need to inform customers so a short call message advising of the prefix change and temporary automated redirection to the requested number is in place until 1st November. This gives our customers time to edit their phone directories. On 1st November the message will change advising customer of the prefix change and then advising them to re-dial the 0345 number.
From 1st January 2018 all prefix 0845 numbers will cease to exist.