Daisy Chain Lend-A-Hand at Stockton
September 15, 2016
The Aggs and Asphalt Logistics Operations Management Team and the Contract Haulage Team took part in a Lend-A-Hand day at the Daisy Chain Project.
The Aggs and Asphalt Logistics Operations Management Team and the Contract Haulage Team took part in a Lend-A-Hand day at the Daisy Chain Project.
The project is based near Stockton and provides support for children and their families affected by autism.
The 13 willing volunteers spent the day uprooting and replanting bushes to prepare the site for some landscaping work. They also cleared several areas of waste materials so that the land could be put to good use. Les Grabarz and Ian Phoenix did a great job brick laying and creating a solid base for a greenhouse.
It was a day of hard manual labour but for a great cause, and the Team thoroughly enjoyed it.