Cemex Communities

Welcome to the Cemex community pages which are dedicated to keeping neighbours and other interested stakeholders informed about local operations.

Hamble Airfield

The site at the Former Hamble Airfield has been allocated, as part of Hampshire County Council’s Minerals Plan, for the extraction of sand and gravel.

Lawford Heath

Cemex Aggregates has been successful in a competitive bidding process to prepare and submit a planning application for a site at Lawford Heath just off the A45.

Rugby Cement Plant

Mill 7 Project: Cemex presents its plans for investments into its Rugby Cement Plant, including the installation of a new grinding mill.

Whitehall Farm

The team at Cemex have been working hard to prepare a planning application which seeks to deliver raw materials vital to our economy.

About Cemex Communities

Cemex takes its role as a good neighbour very seriously. We operate an open door policy that welcomes visitors and comments to company operations.

Cemex strives to maintain and enhance strong links with community groups, local authorities, business partners, environmental organisations and other community partners to strike a balance between the operations and the environment.

An effort to build a more sustainable and responsible company. A better world today without "cheating on our children's future" is a familiar definition of sustainability. As one of the UK's largest building materials companies, we help to make the built environment better - but our activities also have consequences for people and the environment. We recognise our responsibility to help bring about a low-carbon economy and are also working to deliver the Government’s climate change agenda by supplying concrete that resists fire and floods while retaining heat and reducing the need for air conditioning.

At a more local level, we have a responsibility to control and minimise impacts such as traffic and emissions – but we also provide jobs, contribute to the economy and have opportunities through our extensive landholdings and restoration work to enhance biodiversity. Work-related incidents are preventable, and we believe it should be the right of every employee to go home unharmed at the end of a working day. This is why we have set a target of achieving zero injuries as quickly as possible.