Donkey field turned into flood field
April 06, 2017
Last autumn the Team at Dove Holes, led by Hayden Gill, seeded a field (known as the Donkey Field) with special seed mix aimed at feeding that rare bird, the Twite.

Last autumn the Team at Dove Holes, led by Hayden Gill, seeded a field (known as the Donkey Field) with special seed mix aimed at feeding that rare bird, the Twite.
The seeds have started to grow and according to Jenny Oldroyd, our RSPB Advisor, the "dull field is now a great meadow which will be full of flowers and invertebrates for the Twite." George Hudson, RSPB volunteer, is helping at the site and has already spotted Hawkbit, Common Sorrel, Buttercup, Carrot Family, Daisy, Ribwort Plantain, Yarrow and Cranes Bill.