Supply Chain and Logistics Lendahand at White Lodge Centre
They spent the day renovating garden furniture, jet washing the grounds and undertaking general gardening duties.
Rob Wilkinson commented: “It was a thoroughly rewarding day and our efforts were well received. We were sent a letter of thanks from the centre for our efforts!”
Here is an extract of the letter: “Please could you pass on our thanks again to everyone who came along for the volunteering day yesterday. You all did an amazing job and so many staff and service users have all noticed such a difference, staff were enjoying their coffee at 8.30am this morning on the patio in the sunshine! The exit looks so much better and the garden furniture and patio are now tip top!” Jane Cartwright, Community Fundraiser.
The team were: Dave Hart, Carl Milton, Paul Clarke, Jane Haughton, Jane Walsh, Bob Stephens, Chris Shaw, Dave Dulson, Mannie Bains and Rob Wilkinson.