CEMEX Foundation

Matched Funding

The CEMEX Foundation matched funding programme helps our employees who are involved in raising money for charities and their communities. Individual employees involved in such activities can apply to the Foundation to match their efforts up to a maximum of £200 per year.

Applications will be approved for appropriate activities and charities and will be awarded on a ‘first come, first served’ basis as the matched funding pot is not bottomless!

The Foundation has already supported a number of applications from employees engaged in a wide range of fundraising activities from sponsored runs to participation in national fundraising events like Comic Relief’s ‘Red Nose Day’ and Children in Need.

Volunteering has always been an important part of community involvement in this country and the CEMEX Foundation will support such appropriate involvement, for example through our Biodiversity partnership with the RSPB. Giving your own time to help and support community and charitable activities may be supported with a donation from the Foundation. Such volunteering activities naturally complement the company’s own volunteering scheme ‘Lend-a-Hand’.