Wildlife Habitat Council recognizes Cemex conservation projects

Wildlife Habitat Council recognizes Cemex conservation projects

June 10, 2024
Monterrey, Mexico. June 10, 2024. The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) awarded four Cemex projects across the US and Mexico for excellence in corporate conservation in the categories of Awareness and Community Engagement, Desert, Formal Learning, and Training. The recognitions were unveiled during the WHC Conservation Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The projects recognized at the awards were:

• Student environmental education at the “Caliza y Arcilla” site in Tamuín, Mexico.
• Desert habitat restoration at Cerro Jardín, Xoyatla, and Coayuca in Atotonilco, Mexico.
• Environmental Training at Cemex’s regional office in Alabama, U.S.
• Formal environmental education program at Cemex’s quarrying operations in Center Hill, Florida, U.S.

These projects demonstrate Cemex’s efforts to positively impact nature through conservation, restoration, and enhancement as well as its commitment to making a positive and lasting impact in communities worldwide. Cemex aims to empower its workers, suppliers, customers, and communities with comprehensive learning and training opportunities in environmental sustainability, encouraging active participation and contribution toward a nature-positive future.

The WHC Awards honour excellence in corporate conservation, with awardees representing various national and international companies across industries. Finalists and winners were chosen from WHC Certification applications submitted in 2023.

Cemex's strategy aims to enhance biodiversity in its quarries, implement conservation measures, and develop local Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) for quarries situated in high-priority biodiversity sites. The company has expanded its strategy to seek external certifications for sites that are not in high-value biodiversity areas. As of now, 35 Cemex programs have received Conservation Certification by the WHC.

Cemex’s conservation efforts are part of its Future in Action program, which focuses on achieving sustainable excellence through climate action, circularity, water and biodiversity management with the primary objective of becoming a net zero CO2 company by 2050.

You may access the complete list of the 2024 WHC Awards winners and finalists at the following link: https://www.wildlifehc.org/certification/awards-recognition/2024-whc-awards-finalists/  


About Wildlife Habitat Council

WHC (Wildlife Habitat Council) has been working at the nexus of business and biodiversity for 35 years and is the only international NGO focused exclusively on enabling private sector action for nature. WHC builds strategies and frameworks for companies to integrate nature with climate, equity and engagement to support sustainable ecosystems and healthy communities. WHC’s corporate members represent some of the leading national and multinational corporations. WHC certified programs can be found in 19 countries and 48 U.S. states.

Learn more at www.wildlifehc.org